What is our School-Wide Title I Program?

We are pleased to inform you that Chumuckla Elementary School is a School-Wide Title I school. The purpose of this program is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. The Title I program is designed to help your student meet the challenging Florida Standards as measured on the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) and FCAT Science..

Because we are a targeted assistance program, every student in our school benefits from supplementary activities that include the following:

  • Our school completes a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school to help us make decisions about the academic program.
  • Our school purchases special equipment, curriculum materials, and services that help children do their best. We address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State standards.
  • Our highly qualified teachers participate in special staff development activities that are designed to meet the needs of all students.
  • We coordinate and integrate other Federal, State, and local services and programs to meet the needs of our students and their families.

Parents of each student attending a Title I school may request and the district will provide, in a timely manner, information regarding the following:

  • The professional qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers, and, if applicable, the services provided by their paraprofessionals, as well as the paraprofessionals qualifications.

We want you to know that your role in our school is incredibly important. You can participate in activities at the school through joining the PTO, volunteering in the classroom, representing the school on the District Parent Advisory Council for Title I, volunteering for special events, and participating in parent-teacher conferences.

Parent Resource Center

Chumuckla Elementary has established a Parent Resource Center which is located at the school entrance near our main office. We have brochures published by The Parent Institute on a wide variety of topics including 25 Ways Parents Can Help Children Learn, Expect the Best From Your Child and Get It, Recognize your Child’s Strengths and Motivate Success. These brochures are free to parents. We have also purchased instructional parent videos on a variety of subjects that you may check out for use at home. This area also includes a bulletin board with community and other resource information. Additionally, our Front Office has a parent computer for you to use to access links that can provide assistance for you (for example, public assistance or job searches!). If you need additional materials, let us know! We are here to serve our families!